CheckCache($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']); //$result = TableQuery("GeographicRegion", $EHDBConn, "*", array(), false, array("Name" => "ASC")); $result = db::execute("SELECT * FROM `geographicregion` ORDER BY Name ASC;","apgrator_ehdb"); $countryList = ""; while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) $countryList .= ''; //var_dump($_SESSION['Store']); $contentText = ''; $gender_select_default = array('',''); $age_select_default = array('','',''); if(!empty($_SESSION['Store'])){ if($_SESSION['Store']['Gender'] == "Female"){ $gender_select_default = array('',' selected'); $contentText .= ''; }else if($_SESSION['Store']['Gender'] == "Male"){ $gender_select_default = array(' selected',''); $contentText .= ''; } if($_SESSION['Store']['Age'] == "A"){ $age_select_default[2] = " selected"; $contentText .= ''; }else if($_SESSION['Store']['Age'] == "C"){ $age_select_default[1] = " selected"; $contentText .= ''; }else if($_SESSION['Store']['Age'] == "I"){ $age_select_default[0] = " selected"; $contentText .= ''; } } $contentText .= '
Basic Information

Everyone Healthy

Symptom Checker*

Country Information
*Your medical history, life style, behaviour and risk factors are not currently incorporated into the processing of results, which does lead to inaccuracies.
Step 1: Select your Age and Gender (above).
Step 2: Start typing in your signs and symptoms into the blue box below.
Selecting them as you see the appear in the list.
Step 3: For greater accuracy, select your country (top right) if it is in the list.
Step 4: Once the information is entered, click the "Check" button.

Sign & Symptom Entry

Human Image
Sign/Symptom List
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